As you may have noticed I’ve made a few changes around here. The site is a little more diverse, over the last couple of years I found myself straying away from automotive photography. Not for the lack of love for it, just because that’s where I’ve ended up. So it now includes some more work based around lifestyle and editorial, urban, outdoor as well as music and automotive. Plus if you’re really looking you might find some classic wedding shots too. But you know, we’ll keep it simple for now.
With that I’ve updated my own branding, I’ve added in the monogram as a kind of stamp or icon to use with my work. This goes alongside the already existing type which I felt worked as a simple, clean watermark. The new monogram reflects this with a slightly more rugged, free flowing design which is more in-keeping with my own personal style.
Lastly I’ve started to add a few blog posts here and there. I collected everything I shot last year and started writing some notes to go alongside them to share the journey for whoever might be reading. This will be a mix of new places I went to, to car shows and anything else I feel like. Because why not, ay?
So keep an eye out, be sure to follow me on Instagram, check out some of my new videos on Youtube (a whole new project in itself) and let me know what you think. Wether it’s to tell me how badly I’m doing, to say “hey” or maybe you want to work together, my DMs are always open. Or if you prefer it more old school, head to the contact page and send me an email.